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Tamiya Robotics 101 RC Robotics 101 Lego Mindstorm 101 Vex Robots 101 Fischer Robotics Summer Camp Birthday Parties Who's onlineThere are currently 1 user and 3 guests online.
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RC ROBOTICS 101 (Sunday 9-11am, 4 sessions, $225+GST)VOTED BEST WORKSHOP AMONGST STUDENTSRC Robotics 101 (Sunday, 4 sessions, $225+ GST for the entire 4 sessions, 9-11 am, Certificate of Achievement, Suits Age 10+, youth gets to keep $145 equipment) Next Level - Yes By LittleScientist at 2007-09-21 16:36 | read more
Fischer Technik Mechanical & Robotics Workshops Age 12-16Fischer Technik Mechanical & Robotics Workshops (Sunday, 14 sessions, $25+GST per session, 9-11 am, Certificate of Achievement) Next Level - Yes By LittleScientist at 2007-09-20 20:37 | read more
Lego Mindstorms 101 (Saturday 9-11 am, Suits 7-13, $25+GST per session, Certificate of Achievement)Lego Mindstorms 101 (Saturday, 14 sessions, $25+GST per session, 9-11 am, Certificate of Achievement) Next Level - Yes By LittleScientist at 2007-09-17 16:37 | read more
Vex Robotics 101 (Sunday Workshop 9-11 am, $25 per session, 12+)Vex Robotics 101 (Sunday, 14 sessions, $25+GST per session, 9-11 am, Certificate of Achievement, Suits Age 12+) Next Level - Yes By LittleScientist at 2007-09-17 16:34 | read more
TAMIYA ROBOTICS 101 (Sunday Workshop 9-11 am, $85+GST for 2 session, 10+)Tamiya Robots 101 (Sunday, 9-11 am, $85+GSTfor 2 sessions). Youth gets to keep the robotic kit (worth $39), Suits Age 10+ Next Level - Yes By LittleScientist at 2007-09-05 16:41 | read more
FIRST LEGO LEAGUE meet first on Sep 8th - SaturdayAnother school year is about to start and time flies when the summer is so fun. This year's FIRST LEGO LEAGUE competition which focuses on ALTERNATIVE ENERGY and Little Scientist is proud to have two teams this year TEAM 1473, TEAM 1474. All students that have previously joined our TEAM before are welcome to contact Daniel at info@littlescientist.net GO TEAM. Check http://www.fllontario.org http://www.FirstLegoLeague.org for more details. By LittleScientist at 2007-08-26 10:57
CBC Article about Junior Robotics Club - Little Scientist Interview with our Founder - Daniel ChunRead July 19th article on CBC.ca who interviewed us about Junior Robotics Club - Little Scientist http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/tech/robotics/robot-starter-bots.html
By LittleScientist at 2007-07-19 16:12
Little Scientist article from Model Retailer Aug 2007Please click here for full article http://www.boytoys.ca/Model_Retailer_article_on_LittleScientist_mod-sr0807.pdf By LittleScientist at 2007-07-17 09:21
INTRODUCTION - LEGO MINDSTORMS 101 (Space are limited) We have this workshop running through out the year. However, this workshop will starts recruiting new members again in June (starting the first week June 2nd, Saturday) 9-11 am to start offering our popular Introduction to Lego Mindstorms 101 - suitable for age 8-13, both genders are welcomed. By LittleScientist at 2007-05-29 21:57 | read more
First Lego League Team going to compete in regional FLL competitionTEAM 1473, TEAM 1474. Please register early in Aug 2007. Moderate Hands On Skills Meter Overview First Lego League is an nationwide competition in Lego Mindstorms Robotics and mostly participated by schools and youths at age 9-14. At Little Scientist, we have participated as Ontario's (and possibly Canada's) first ever independent team since 2005. This effort is SPONSORED in part by Little Scientist. Parents who send their youths (who are prequalified and most of them have participated Lego Mindstorms 101) will only need to pay half of the fees. The cost of entry this year in 2007 is $150+GST. By LittleScientist at 2007-05-27 15:42 | read more