FIRST LEGO LEAGUE Starts again in Aug-Oct 2007 in Mississauga, Oakville and Brampton GTA

GO TEAM 1473 and TEAM 1474 !


This year marks the significant growth of our LITTLE SCIENTIST as we now have access to a permanent classroom. We intend to have TWO (2) teams of Little Scientist joining FIRST LEGO LEAGUE this year. This enables up to 20 students in Mississauga, Oakville, Brampton area to benefit from our independent team joining FIRST LEGO LEAGUE for the third consecutive year.

If your daugther and son are interested to join us this year at FIRST LEGO LEAGUE and he or she has never joined us before, It is a prerequsitie that he or she join our summer workshop (Jun/July) for our Introduction to LEGO Mindstorms 101 - JUNIOR ROBOTICS workshops

Lego Mindstorms 101 is an introduction workshop held in June/July on Saturday 9-11 am for 4 weeks. Cost is $100+GST

First Lego League Little Scientist Team will cost $150+GST this year and covers all workshops, material and competition fees. The workshops included will be held on Saturday morning 9-11 am for approximately 10-12 weeks and we normally attend the HALTON REGIONAL QUALIFIERS.

For more information, please email Daniel at or Scott for more details.