Picture of Bumper Thumper

Picture of Bumper Thumper

Picture of Robot Wrestler

Picture of Robot Wrestler

Birthday Parties (ROBOTICS FUN TIME)

Price is $250 for 8 kids and their parents to participate in an unique encounter experience. Please call 905-7551100 to make bookings for Saturday and Sunday.

This unique BIRTHDAY PARTY is designed based on the Robotics theme. 2 HOURS of pure fun and direct contact with these FASCINATING MACHINES. Participants get to play with a huge variety of remote control or radio control - all classified as Remote Operated Robots and Autonomous Robots (preprogrammed) for specific functions.

- Robotic Soccer (using Tamiya Insect Robot)

- Robot

Youths will also get to use ROBOT WARS type remote control vehicle to combat each other as 2 teams and each team get a chance to

Robotics Acadmey - Carneige Mellon University Lego Mindstorms NXT and Vex Curriculum

Robotics Acadmey - Carneige Mellon University Lego Mindstorms NXT and Vex Curriculum

All our curriculums and workshops conducted are based on Carneige Mellon University's Robotics Academy ( A National Science Foundation funded project) in promoting robotics education to be used in technology discipline. Students can learn math, science and engineering and the application of these subjects by engaging in hands on problem solving and projects approach.

Click here to see more about the Robotics Acamdey.

Little Scientist is moving location in MAY

We are planning to move our classroom facilty in May to a new location where we will have permanent classroom facility located at 1305 Matheson Blvd E, Mississauga

We apologise we will not have any March Break Camps other than our regular Saturday and Sunday workshops.

Youtube video of various LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT ROBOTS ROBOTICS in action

Click this YouTube link to check various robots build with Lego Mindstorms NXT robotics platforms.

A lot of interesting robots out there.


Youtube video of various VEX ROBOTS VEXROBOTICS VEX ROBOTICS in action

Use this YouTube link or check at your convenience at YouTube what robots have been built ...

There is a lot of creativity and engineering in those VEX Robots.


Vex Curriculum Workshops

More details on this workshop will be available soon.


Preview the Vex Curriculum

Check out the Hot Dog Maker video

Check out the Work Cell video

Lego Mindstorms NXT - Introduction to Mobile Robotics

More details on this workshop will be available soon.

Lego Mindstorms Explorer Weekend Challenges

More details on this workshop will be available soon.