We have developed some basic electrical / mechanical devices, to introduce technology into the classroom. These should appeal to students, and emphasize student participation in both design and construction. A teaching unit (information sheet) is supplied to help you build and use these kits. Each kit contains all the necessary electrical and mechanical components: the electric motor, battery holder, switch and any other parts.
WE PROVIDE a perspective drawing of the finished device, and suggest that the students make a scale drawing, to use in making the device. We have chosen devices which can be made with readily available materials e.g. timber, balsa wood, plastic.
IN ADDITION, we have designed these so that a minimum of basic tools are required. The most common tools required are: hand saw, hand drill, soldering iron, hot glue gun.
FERRIS WHEEL This kit provides the basics of a propeller driven Ferris wheel. It consists of a central arm, on which the electric motor driven propeller is mounted. The arm rotates about a shaft which is located at the centre of gravity of the assembly. For older students, more work can be put into making a more realistic appearing Ferris wheel. |
BALANCE PLANE This model relies on balancing a beam about its centre of balance. i.e. in equilibrium. This project provides a challenge to accurately locate that point, and allows for a degree of experimentation. When balanced, the beam is powered by an electric driven propeller, and rotates about that point. |
CAPTIVE AEROPLANE This model makes a plane which is suspended from a fixed point and this propeller powered plane flies in a never ending circle! (Until you face it in the other direction). Alternatively, it can be set-up to travel along a wire strung between 2 points. This project can provide the students with lots of fun, as it isn’t limited to a plane – it is equally suitable for a variety of themes – a flying pig, witch on a broomstick, bird, vampire etc. |
THE PROPELLED CAR This is a simple four wheeled vehicle with a difference! - motive power is provided by an electric motor driven propeller. This provides lots of scope for being developed further – for example by constructing a styled body, or holding races, and seeing what changes can be made to improve speed. |
BELT DRIVEN CAR This is a four wheeled vehicle at its simplest. Motive power is provided by an electric motor driven belt to one of the axles. These can be used in races, and have the potential to be added to, to drive faster! Similarly, bodies can be built for these cars, and decorated in the Art class! |
BUBBLE BLOWER An exciting model that blows bubbles – this takes the “puff” out of bubble making! A series of hoops is rotated through a “bubble bath” and a non-stop stream of bubbles is generated. For best results, experimentation with the size of the wire hoops, the length of the arms, distance from the “wind machine” etc is required. If needed, we also provide a recipe for bubble mix! |
CLOCK KIT Clock making develops the students’ imagination, research, design, planning and manufacturing skills. Each student can make their own design or use the designs suggested by the teacher. After the project completion the student will have a useful and decorative finished product to be proud of. |
ROBOBUG – the LIGHT SENSING ROBOT This is a simple electronic robot that is controlled by shining torch light onto its sensors (Light Dependant Resistors). The kit contains the P.C.B., electronic components, electric motors and switch. This project is suitable for year 8 or 9 students. The time required is approximately 10 hours. Electrical and mechanical components are in the kit. |
STOMPER – A SIX LEGGED STALKER This is a six legged robot, operated by two switches, each controlling a 4.5 volt motor and gears. It moves forward, in reverse and in circles. The kit contains the gears, motors and switches. This project is suitable for year 8, 9 or 10 students. The time required is approximately 15-20 hours. Electrical and mechanical components are in the kit. |
EXPLORER - this VEHICLE BYPASSES OBSTACLES This is an electrically controlled three wheeled vehicle, which, when it encounters an obstacle, changes the direction of travel and continues on its way. The kit contains the gears, motors, gear cases, switches and wheels. This is suitable for year 8, 9 or 10 students. The time required is approximately 20-25 hours. Electrical and mechanical components are in the kit. |
SIMPLE VEHICLE – NO STEERING This vehicle travels either forwards or backwards. It has a choice of two possible gear box variants, with a number of different gear ratios being available (dependant on the chosen / required set up). After construction this vehicle is suitable for for other tasks eg. physics experiments. This is suitable for year 7 or year 8 students. The time required is approximately 10–15 hours. Electrical and mechanical components are in the kit. |
SEEKER This three wheeled vehicle detects an object it is approaching, and changes direction to by-pass it. This detection and movement is controlled electronically, by sensors sending signals to the PCB. The PCB in turn sends instructions to the two gearbox / motor assemblies, to turn the vehicle and avoid the obstacle. The kit provides the student with all of the required electronic and mechanical components. This includes the PCB. The Teaching Unit has drawings of the SEEKER we built, as well as an explanation of the various sections of the PCB’s electronics. This project is suitable for Year 9, 10 and 11 students. The time required is approximately 14 hours. Electrical and mechanical components are in the kit. |
THE ANT This device has two pairs of legs and advances straight ahead. The motion is achieved by an electric motor driving through a series of gears and cranks. The body is built from plastic sheet. The student has to cut and drill the materials, assemble the device and wire up the electrics. This project is suitable for Year 9 and 10 students. The time required is 10 to 12 hours. Electrical and mechanical components are in the kit. |
DRAGSTER The kit includes all electrical and mechanical components and a teaching unit. This project is suitable for year 7, 8 and 9 students. The time required is approximately 10 hours. Electrical and mechanical components are in the kit. |
SOLAR CAR This is a simple four wheel car, driven by an electric motor and powered by a solar module. Motion is transferred from the motor to the wheels by pinion and spur gears. The student has to plan and design the platform for mounting the solar module and the guide tubes and shafts. Electrical and mechanical components are in the kit. |