RC ROBOTICS 101 (Sunday 9-11am, 4 sessions, $225+GST)


RC Robotics 101 (Sunday, 4 sessions, $225+ GST for the entire 4 sessions, 9-11 am, Certificate of Achievement, Suits Age 10+, youth gets to keep $145 equipment)

Basic Hands On Skills Meter

Next Level - Yes
Robo 51, Vex, Advanced C, March Camps, Summer Camps,Robot C


Starting in Oct 2007. we have our popular RC ROBOTICS 101 again on Sun 9-11 am, starts every 1st week of the month for 4 Sundays. Costs $225+GST

Get into the remote control world of robotics using TAMIYA Educational Robotics platform and with Little Scientist Curriculum

- Complete set of Radio Electronics System (TX, RX, electronics PCB, motor, battery, portable charger)
- Tamiya Educational Robotics (starter kit incl. chassis, tank tread, twin motor gearbox, shafts sets)

Youths can keep the material and re use them for many projects. We will be able to build a boat, Hoovercraft, rovertank robot and many othe. Important learnings are different drive chain, chassis, steering, and basic electronic circuit. The most exciting part and will be unique across our curricular is for students to make their own RC Robot based on our own design of the Robot-X. When learning to build our Robot-X.

Students will be separated into 2 groups where by they will be led by experienced instructor to build and compete in a mini challenge in the robotic arena at our workshop area.

Workshop is suitable for Age 10-16 with basic assembling experience and will be held for 4 sessions of 2 hours each on Sunday 9 am - 11am whereby students can complete their project robots.

Students that completed this unit will receive a graduation certificate; and can advance to more advance courses or challenge. Our mentoring skills, supervision and team building excercise enables the youth to be challenged not at the subject matter level but sometimes to be able to work with others and then to be competitive.

Note: - Students will get to keep the ENTIRE starter kit including Chassis, Radio Transmitter and Receiver after the completion of the 4 workshops. Great for future use in SCIENCE & ROBOTIC projects at school or for fun. - the completion of this workshop is a prequisite to some advance workshops and challenge like FIRST VEX TEAM

Advanced curricula of RC Robotics and VEX are also available.

VIDEO of the RC ROBOT functioning