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First Lego League Team going to compete in regional FLL competitionTEAM 1473, TEAM 1474. Please register early in Aug 2007. Moderate Hands On Skills Meter Overview First Lego League is an nationwide competition in Lego Mindstorms Robotics and mostly participated by schools and youths at age 9-14. At Little Scientist, we have participated as Ontario's (and possibly Canada's) first ever independent team since 2005. This effort is SPONSORED in part by Little Scientist. Parents who send their youths (who are prequalified and most of them have participated Lego Mindstorms 101) will only need to pay half of the fees. The cost of entry this year in 2007 is $150+GST. Students must have either joined our team before to be qualified or have join our LEGO MINDSTORMS 101 workshops for a minimum of 8 classes. IMPORTANT SCHEDULE INFORMATION for TEAM 1473 (Saturday 9-11am), 1474 (Sunday 9-11am)!! REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN. Click here for sample pictures of our FLL Robotics Workshops on Saturday mornings 9-11 am. The team work together for 10-16 weeks supervised by a FLL Coach (currently led by Little Scientist founder Daniel Chun) History
In 2006, Little Scientist signed up as Team 2047 and competed in Halton regional Qualifier with an AWARD for BEST RESEARCH AWARD; also qualified to join the ONTARIO PROVINCIAL FINALS. In 2005, Little Scientist signed up as Team 603 and have competed on Nov 5th at Halton Regional Qualifiers and received the director's AGAINST ALL ODDS AWARD as a rookie team. Congratulations ! Little Scientist have officially signed up this year to compete in this year's Canadian First Lego League as Ontario's first and only independent and non-institution entry. Every year, there will be TEN (10) spots are available for age 9-14 who had either joined our monthly Lego Mindstorms workshops as a prerequsite training. Our selection is based on merit and will only be reserved for students who have demonstrated their capability and team work. To see more detail about of Lego Mindstorms workshops, please click here This year, we will be using the all new Lego Mindstorms NXT Robotics Systems and material in August and our weekly meet on Saturday will re-open in Aug 2006. Registration is accepted on a prepayment of $150 for a one time administration support fee. No other charges are levied. Little Scientist will be sponsoring for the rest of the fees including computers, the LEGO competition kit, stationery, coaching, t-shirts, classroom, and supplies. The TEAM effort will require parents to endorse the participation and support the child in the effort for the team to be able to meet up and work on the project. Team members has to be aged between 9-14 in order to join the competition. Parents get to choose whether they should join SATURDAY (Team 1473) or SUNDAY (Team 1474) to suit their schedule. Workshops (approximately 10-14) of them will be held in the morning time 9-11 am throughout the fall. IT IS ESTIMATED THAT THE FIRST WORKSHOP WILL START on August 25th, 26th. It is our philosophy to offer youths whose school does not have a robotics program. If there are more students who graduated from our workshops, we will set up and support one or more teams to go to 2006 competition. The project will take approximately 8 weeks meeting at LittleScientist's workshop location on a regular basis on usually saturday morning 9am-11 pm. Click here for more details on First Lego League Canada.
Official link to First Lego League and Mindstorms http://www.firstlegoleague.org/default.aspx?pid=11620 http://mindstorms.lego.com/eng/products/ris/index.asp http://www.firstlegoleague.org |